Not associated with the Board or Trident

  • Permit Violations
    There is approximately $8,500 in fines from just the five open violations for work done in the building without obtaining permits. See them below. There are another 27 closed violations for a variety of violations.
  • Unanswered letters to the Officers and Trident
    The three letters below were sent to Trident by a group of unit owners and were simply ignored. Declaration of Invalidity of Special Assessment and Call for the Resignation of President Ronald Malden Request to Postpone Meeting and Provide Documentation Cease & Desist Disseminating False Misinformation About Windows and Shutters
  • Missing Budget Data
    Every month for years all of the Association revenue and expenses have been documented. That all stopped last year. There are no profit and loss statements (P&L’s) for 2024. You can see from the portal screenshot that there isn’t even a heading for 2024. Response: Everything is on the portal. Facts: As seen in the… Read more: Missing Budget Data
  • Years of missing audits
    Issue: Page 41 of the by-laws under Fiscal Management, subsection d) call for an annual CPA Audit. One has not been performed since the current Board has been in office. “An audit of the accounts of the ASSOCIATION shall be made annually by a Certified Public Accountant, and a copy of the report shall be… Read more: Years of missing audits
  • Insurance Costs
    Why did the insurance go from $70,524.95 in 2021 to $139,880.60 in 2024? There was some information disseminated that indicated additional insurance coverages. Is that what caused the insurance to go up $69,356 or was it something else? Response: None
  • How Are Rental Funds Being Used?
    The Association is reportedly renting out several units, including one to the family of Idalmis, a Board member. There are no records reflecting income from these rentals or where the funds are being allocated. As owners, ALL INCOME or REVENUE made by the Association is ours and considered “Common Surplus”. Each owner at 720 Collins… Read more: How Are Rental Funds Being Used?
  • Why has there been no annual meeting or directors meetings?
    The By-laws mandate that an annual meeting must be held every year. It has been claimed that since no elections took place, a meeting was unnecessary. However, elections are only one part of the meeting, and other business must also be conducted. The annual meeting cannot be skipped. Additionally, under Florida law, effective July 1,… Read more: Why has there been no annual meeting or directors meetings?
  • Unapproved Conversion of the Maintenance Storage Area
    The Board independently chose to repurpose the maintenance supply storage areas on the third and fourth floors without seeking approval from unit owners. This action prompts significant concerns regarding adherence to the governing documents and Florida condominium law. What the Governing Documents Say About Storage Areas Why the Storage Area Conversion Violates Governing Documents and… Read more: Unapproved Conversion of the Maintenance Storage Area
  • The Unapproved Conversion of Our Meeting Room
    The meeting room and office space, which are part of the common elements, have been transformed into an exercise gym without a vote or approval from the majority of owners. The Board took this action unilaterally, sparking significant concerns about their authority to make such a decision without consulting the owners.
  • What are Material Alterations?
    The Board cannot alter any “common elements” within our building without at least 75% of unit owners voting in favor during a properly notified meeting.
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