Not associated with the Board or Trident

Every month for years all of the Association revenue and expenses have been documented. That all stopped last year. There are no profit and loss statements (P&L’s) for 2024. You can see from the portal screenshot that there isn’t even a heading for 2024.

Response: Everything is on the portal.

Facts: As seen in the photo above, the information is not in the portal.

Our property has been managed by Trident Management since August 17th 2021. The above screenshot is from Trident and is part of their responsibility to provide information to 720 Collins. As per this signed agreement, Trident is to retain copies of ALL financial transactions related to our building:

Our agreement with Trident states “All official records relating to the Association Property shall be maintained at all times at either the Association Property or at the Records Location agreed upon by the parties in writing.” At the time of of the Agreement, 720 Collins had an Association Office with records dating back over seven years on the 5th floor of our building. That office and the Association records have been inappropriately, and possibly illegally converted into a gym.

By not providing owners access to all records relating to this past year expenses and revenue, Trident is in violation of our management agreeemnt.

  • Where are the records previously stored in the Association office?
  • What information was used to prepare the 2025 budget?
  • Where are this past years financial information? Association bank statements? Why wasnt this, pursuant to request, shared with concerned owners?

Our community is in trouble. The Board’s actions have broken the rules, wasted money, and put our shared spaces and finances at risk. This has already driven up costs for all of us and damaged the trust and integrity of our community. We need to come together now to stop this, protect our property, and ensure the Board follows the rules moving forward.